Yikes, life has been busy, havent been able to sit and blog for awhile. Summer is off to a busy start. We have been working on our garden area and have it looking really good with a heavy duty ground cover and raised garden beds. Unfortunately, this is all done too late to plant anything, so next year we will have a great garden! Ken is doing fabulous!! He had his last frequent check up with the pediatric cardiologist and won't need to follow up with them again until next year. He continues on a daily aspirin and will have to do that indefinately. BUT all his test were good, although his left coronary artery is still mildly enlarged.

Here he is being his silly self. And below is a picture of the kids with a fun snack we made; potato mice.

Here's a funny video of Ken's "mad face."
Emma is also doing good. She graduated from the Little Country Preschool the end of May. She is so excited to start kindergarten in the fall. Here in Kittitas the kinder kids go all day, 5 days a week.

The little graduate.
Emma's graduation.

Emma and her BFF Maddie.

And with her teacher Mrs. Haberman.

And here's our silly boy getting ready to go to Emma's graduation. Then poor little Emma had to have her tonsils out the beginning of June. She was having trouble with snoring at night and not getting enough oxygen while she sleeps. Here is my brave girl getting ready to go back for surgery.

Sweet little thing.

And here is what Mr Ken was doing while he was waiting for his sister to come home.

They're a couple of little comedians.

Don't worry, we don't encourage him to climb into the dryer:) That's our excitement for now, we have just got back from a vacation to California. When I have some more time I will post about that.