Wow, it's July already! So, just wanted to post some new pictures. The kids and I are well. We are having a fun summer so far.

Here is Emma with some of the other girls from her Girl Scout troop. They went on a zoo field trip last month. She had lots of fun.

Emma posing with an elephant statue at the Cougar Mt Zoo by Issaquah, WA. Wearing her little blue "Daisy" vest. They are first Daisy's, then Brownie's, then Girl Scouts.

Ken and I got to come to the zoo too. Here he is hugging a little giraffe statue.

My two little sweeties:)

My latest body art. It's a tattoo of a Celtic motherhood knot. Then at the top, there are two little hearts, one pink with the initials E.M. (Emma Molly) and one blue heart with the initials K.B. (Ken Brandon). I love it:)

Emma graduated from Kindergarten this June. Here is her graduation picture. She is very excited to start the first grade this fall.

Ken splasing in the little pool in the backyard.

Here are Ken and Emma showing off their great smiles. They both had dentist appointments the day before and were very proud to have no cavaties:)

My sweet little girl and I.

Next time maybe I shouldn't let the kids play in the sprinkler right after I mow the lawn.... Oops.

The kids didn't mind being messy tho.

At Confluence park in Wenatchee.

It was fun playing at the park after a bike ride in the nice warm sun.