What a nice summer it's been so far. It's pretty windy here at the moment, but so far the weather has been very nice this summer. The garden seems to be taking off, thanks in part to my mom who put in a sweet drip system and soaker hoses. We have gotton to pick some ripe radishes and fresh lettuce already! One of our white chickens has started to lay eggs already, so we have a new egg to go claim every morning (Emma loves to go find the egg). The Aussie willow trees that we planted last fall as babies are really taking off (they must be about 3 feet high already). When they get bigger they will add some much needed shade, wind break and decor to our flat piece of land. The kids are doing great, they have a 2 week break from swimming lessons, but start again next week. They both LOVE to swim!! I get in the pool with Ken in his swim class (or my mom if I'm at work) and Emma does her class at the same time in the children's pool. Emma is still doing gymnastics 1 day a week over the summer and will start pre school in the fall. Wow, pre school already...... kindergarten next year..... time goes by so fast. Ken is growing fast. He is getting more interactive with Emma now...... this is sometimes good and sometimes not so good. She likes to play with him, but does not like it when he tries to play with HER toys;) Wayne and I are both doing good. Today is father's day, the kids and I got Wayne a Nintendo DS (a small game player) with some games (learn spanish, brain age and a couple others). I thought next month when he has to fly back to Australia this would be nice for on the plane and waiting around in airports; and it's small so will be easy to keep in a carry on bag. Hope you all are having a great summer too!

Emma's new hobby...... roller skating.


Separation anxiety, I left the room just long enough to get the camera and this is what I came back to.

Emma 4 years. Ken 11 months.

Our back yard looking out toward the Clockum mountains.
Sunset looking out from our front door.
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