Hello all! Here are some new pictures of the kids, some of them from Easter. Ken is doing great! He still has some peeling of his hands and feet and I think the stress of the illness has caused his eczema to flare up, but overall he is back to himself. Emma had an easter egg hunt at school the other day, it was also her snack day. See picture below of snack. The school kids had to hunt the eggs indoors because it was snowing that day! Snow in April!! Crazy!! I'm not sure I buy into this global warming:) We did our egg hunt at home in the house too because the easter bunny (aka - mommy) didn't want to freeze her bum off at 6am out in the cold. Emma only has 2 more months of preschool left, then off to kindergarten this fall! They grow so fast! Emma will turn 5 in April. I decided she has enough "stuff" so I'm taking her away for a "girls only" trip, just her and I. We are going to the Great Wolf Lodge, by Centralia, WA, they have a huge indoor water park and other activities for kids. It should be fun. Ken is also growing very fast, it's fun to watch him learn new things. He does this cute little pout and growl noise now when he doesn't get his way:) He is sure talking a lot now too. Hope this spring see's everyone in good health and doing well. Take care!

Ken helping Emma with her preschool snack.
Peeps on rice crispie treat nests, sitting on
jellybean eggs.

Little Ken napping.

Dyeing easter eggs with Grandma.

Emma with the finished products.

Hunting easter eggs in the house.
Ken's "mad face."
Ken in his Easter attire.
Emma in her Easter attire.
The kids in the Easter outfits.
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